Type 4 Natural Hair Products
Which products are for you?
Curls Run this World
Type 4 natural hair comes in 3 different curl patterns, type 4A which are curls the size of the spring in a pen, type 4B can have more of a Z pattern and type 4C is more densely packed than type 4B and experiences severe shrinkage.
Type 4 natural hair is the most fragile of all curl types, with each bend in the hair a potential breakage point. Type 4 hair is also the driest and needs the most care because this hair type has less cuticle layers to keep it protected. The textures can range from soft and porous to wiry and low porosity.
When looking for products, you want to go with heavier creams that will seal the moisture into your hair. The thicker your hair, the thicker the cream should be, such as our Sealing Hair Butter. You also want to do more deep conditioning treatment to keep the moisture in your hair.
Moisture Moisture Moisture
Moisture and moisture retention are your goals. You want to start with a gentle cleanser to keep your hair and scalp clean. Our Detoxifying Clay Cleanser is a gentle and effective cleanser that will soften tangles and keep hair conditioned. You also want to add deep conditioning to your healthy hair routine. The Restoring Hair Treatment uses Olive Oil, Tamanu Oil and Shea Butter to penetrate the hair shaft to strengthen hair strands while keeping your hair moisturized.
Type 4A Curls
Type 4A has an 'S' curl pattern and can range from thick to thin strands. Your biggest issues is keeping hair defined and moisturized. Your hair can have a nice curl pattern when wet, but appear frizzy when dry.
Deep conditioning treatments are recommended as well as using a gentle cleanser to keep your hair clean. Start with our Detoxifying Clay Cleanser and follow-up with the Restoring Hair Treatment. You want to stay away from harsh shampoos and clarify only when removing product build-up.
You want to stick to the thicker creams such as Moisturizing Hair Pudding and Sealing Hair Butter. You can mix these two products together to create a custom blend for your hair. Applying a styler such as our Curl Control Styling Lotion or Get Set Hair Jelly will set styles.

Type 4B Curls
Like Type 4A hair, Type 4B can has an 'S' pattern, but tighter. It can also bend like a 'C' pattern with sharp angles plus some small ringlets.
Shrinkage and frizz is usually an issue with this hair type. Because of the tightness of the curl pattern and that it can be densely packed, your hair appears much shorter than it really is. Styles such as twist-outs or stretching the hair in wash-n-gos can help create elongation.
You want to clean your hair with a gentle cleanser such as the Detoxifying Clay Cleanser and follow-up with the Restoring Hair Treatment. You'll want to do steam treatments from time-to-time to maintain moisture in your hair.
Frizz occurs when there is more moisture in the air and not enough in the hair. Moisture is essentially the 'glue' that holds hair together to form a clump. Using thick creams and gels will be part of your go-to regimen for great styles.

Type 4C Coils
The most fragile of all the hairtypes, Type 4C hair requires the most care. Low maintenance styles that help to retain moisture are your priorities.
Your hair has issues with moisture retention, meaning keeping moisture in your hair. It can be high porosity and drink up products. Or on the other hand, it can be low porosity, which makes getting moisture into the hair even more difficult.
You want to use gentle cleansers such as our Detoxifying Clay Clay Cleanser and follow up with deep conditioning treatment using our Restoring Hair Treatment. Steam treatments are also helpful to get more moisture into your hair.
Twist styles are your best friend. By doing twists, you are forcing your hair to absorb products longer as well as helping to elongate your hair.
Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT want to airdry. Sitting under a hooded hair dryer is the best way to dry.